District affiliated churches

We LOVE our District Affiliated Churches and pastors! Currently, Indiana has over 40 District Affiliated (DA) churches.
Our hope is to support these churches through prayer, ministry, and consultation, helping them grow larger in Spirit, attendance, effectiveness, and finances. This support enables and encourages our DA churches to move
from District Affiliated status to General Council status. 


One of the best ways we’ve found to support our District Affiliated churches is our annual Lift Retreat. This retreat is designed exclusively for our DA pastors and spouses. The Lift Retreat has become a favorite for connection, fellowship, training, and support. We have a wonderful time together celebrating what God is doing in our DA churches, training through workshops and break-out sessions, fellowshipping through community meals, and supporting one another through worship, prayer, and powerfully inspired messages. The retreat will begin on Friday night the 4th at 6:30pm with registration and conclude at 12:30pm on Sunday the 6th.The retreat will replace the previously held LIFT Conference. 

If you’re a new DA pastor to Indiana, or thinking about coming to our district, please make the Lift Retreat a priority for your calendar. You won’t regret it!

report & document submission

  • monthly ministry report

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  • document uploads

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